

My Side of the Fencepost

Boone County residents who value the county’s present planning and zoning regulations and process should closely watch the status of LB 1375 in the Nebraska Legislature. This bill was introduced by State Sen.
My Side of the Fencepost


First of all, I must admit that I don’t watch many NFL football games. They come and go.


Every once in a while, we purchase a Power Ball ticket or a Mega Millions ticket. Why? I really don’t know except it is perhaps that one big chance of maybe winning a little something.

My Side of the Fencepost

Here we go -- off into the world of artificial intelligence (AI) on the internet with no gatekeepers to sort out fact from fiction. I’m certain we’ll see progress on many fronts using AI, but there are some serious problems.
My Side of the Fencepost

Letters to the Editor

Nebraska lawmakers are gathering once again in Lincoln for another year of debating and passing legislation. The democratic process is something America prides itself on and one that requires input from citizens to thrive.
Albion News

Mike’s Mic

EMERSON - Christmas is a magical time of year and obviously, with all of the Grandkids, it’s especially special this Christmas season, blah, blah, blah. I’m trying to stay hep or hip with my fashions, and now I’m feeling insecure.
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Top 10 reasons why our newspaper is better than a can of pop.....

10. You can leave it out all night and it won’t lose its fizz 9. Have you ever tried to clean your windows with Mountain Dew? 8. It won’t spill and leave a mess on your coffee table 7. You can share it with your kids without worrying about backwash 6. Easier to store in a scrapbook 5. No risk of spraying in your face if you shake it up before you open it 4. It won’t rot your teeth 3. No need to add ice on a hot summer day 2. You gain information, not inches 1. When’s the last time you saw your kid’s picture on a pop can?
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